Monday, September 24, 2007


I have taken a quick look at some of my classmates' blogs and have a sneaking suspicion that this is an area in which my ignorance will shine. Nay...I am confident that this is area in which my ignorance will shine. However it does warm the cockles of my heart to see that I am not the only person new to the world of blogging.

Not much to add since my last post...I lead a fairly uneventful life. Though I am hoping that my time at U of T will change that. So...perhaps I will expand on the purpose and focus of this blog. As mentioned previously it was set up for one of my classes. FIS 1311: Information Technology Applications to be exact. I expect that a great number of my posts will involve my incredulity at and about the world of technology applications, as I will be the first to admit that I am slightly...ever so slightly technologically daft. So one of my hopes for the class is that I will become much more savvy in this area.

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Hang in there. It's like everything else - the more you do it, the easier it gets. Have fun with it and if you keep it 'primitive,' it just adds to the uniqueness of your blog.